Oberon Multi-Purpose Sports and Community Complex
The development of the Oberon Multi-Purpose Sports and Community Complex project has been funded under the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery project and is jointly funded by the Australian Federal and NSW State Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
This project has been jointly supported by Borg/Crossmuller and Oberon Council.
Stage one of the project involves the earthworks to establish and form up the two rugby league fields, a carpark, as well as levelling the land for the clubhouse, grandstand and changerooms. The earthworks for the future development of netball courts and a hockey field will also be established as part of this stage of works.
The facilities will include a club area with bar and food service facilities, available to all Oberon sporting organisations, four change rooms to permit concurrent male and female teams to use the grounds and a grandstand for about 280 people.
The project is planned for completion by June 2025.