Oberon Council Waste Depot & Recycling Centre


The Oberon Waste Depot & Recycling Centre is located 5km from Oberon on Lowes Mount Road.

362 Lowes Mount Road OBERON NSW 2787

The Oberon Waste Depot & Recycling Centre is open from:

8am to 11am and 3pm to 5pm weekdays.

1pm to 5pm on weekends.

Any Complaints regarding this facility are to be directed to Council on (02) 6329 8100.

Please Note: The Oberon Waste Depot is Closed ALL Public Holidays

Green Waste and Recyclable items

Any residential green waste and tree/ pruning’s can be delivered to the Oberon Waste Facility at no cost. This is in addition to the following recyclable items, that can be disposed of at no cost; steel, motor vehicles, glass bottles, aluminium cans, plastic bottles, cardboard & paper and electronic waste items.

Charges apply at the Oberon Waste Facility will be for the disposal of non-recyclable waste items including; general waste, timber waste, bricks & concrete, commercial waste, tyres, lounges & mattresses, animals and asbestos. See Council Waste Depot Information Sheet for all fees.


drumMUSTER is the national program for the collection and recycling of empty, cleaned, non-returnable metal and plastic AgVet chemical containers. Chemical users throughout Australia are encouraged to deliver their empty, cleaned containers for inspection and acceptance to their local drumMUSTER collection site.

drumMUSTER product is recycled into useful everyday items such as street signs, irrigation piping, plant stakes and outdoor furniture.


  • Provides an environmentally responsible solution for chemical users to dispose their empty chemical containers.
  • Helps property owners keep their property clean of potential contamination.
  • Encourages good farming practice and meets Quality Assurance obligations.
  • Supports the preservation of the wider environment.

Visit www.drummuster.org.au for more information and to find your nearest collection point, operating times and contact phone numbers.

Safe battery recycling - What to do with old batteries:

Batteries power many parts of our everyday life but not everyone knows what to do with them once they’re used. They don’t belong in household or commercial kerbside bins so read the EPA guide on what to do with them instead.
