Plant Hire and Private Works
Private Works
Application for Private Works
At times members of the community may wish to have Oberon Council provide a private road related works service through a wet hire engagement. Application Forms for private works performed by Council can be requested by contacting Council's Technical Services Department.
Private works using Council equipment and personnel are only permitted if they do not cause a disruption to the progress of Council's own Works Program and it is assessed that the plant available is suitable for the proposed work or conditions it is being requested for. Council's Technical Services Manager will assess each application and make this determination.
For the private works to proceed a Private Works Authorisation Application must be completed and referenced to the relevant quotation in accordance with Council’s current fees and charges. This includes a signature by the applicant agreeing to full cost recovery for the work engagement.
Note: Minimum charge for all plant is one hour at the appropriate rate. Please refer to Council's Schedule of Fees and Charges for detailed information on Plant Hire and Private Works rates.
It is recognised that undertaking private works or hiring out Council owned plant and equipment to the public is not core business. Council's core business is the maintenance of road assets and the construction of capital roadworks for Council and Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) in accordance with State Government Roads Maintenance Council Contract works.