Clr Trembath - Ordinary Council Meeting Update
Published on 28 September 2023
The meeting was opened in prayer at 5:30pm by Matt Kilby on behalf of the Ignatius Catholic Church.
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor elections were held at the commencement of the meeting with Councillor Mark Kellam re-elected as Mayor of Oberon and Councillor Andrew McKibbin re-elected at Deputy Mayor for the remainder of the term of Council to September 2024.
The election was followed by a presentation from Jack Rowlandson - President Oberon Rodeo Association, requesting sponsorship for the Optimal Performance Academy on 2-5 January 2024. Normally only available in the United States, this 4-day School in Oberon will provide coaching for Bull Riding, Saddle Bronc and Bareback with coaches from the PBR (Professional Bull Riding) and Wrangler NFR (National Final Rodeo). With filming and promotion of the event, Oberon and surrounds advertised via social media both here in Australia and the USA. There will be an added benefit to the town with spend at local shops and accommodation.
Council resolved to support the sponsorship request and additional sponsorship requests for funding under the Section 356 Financial Assistance Program.
- Lincoln Briffa – sponsorship to fund insurance and support crew expenses for a walk from Oberon to Westmead to raise money for Westmead’s Children’s Hospital - $500
- Oberon Rodeo Association – to provide financial support for the hosting of the Optimal Performance Academy in Oberon 2-5 January 2024 with naming rights for the event - $15000.
- Oberon Tarana Heritage Railway – to support several events (OTHR) are coordinating to celebrate the 100th anniversary throughout October 2023
- Rural Adversity Mental Health Program – to provide sponsorship to support two free mental health first aid training opportunities for the Oberon Community - $800
| Notice of Motion |
There were two notices of motion (NoM) from Clr McCarthy concerning sealing of the approaches to Baileys Bridge and the investigation into relocating the funding for the Pedestrian Path at O’Connell. Clr McCarthy withdrew the Pedestrian Path NoM prior to commencement of the meeting and the sealing of the approaches to Baileys Bridge was not supported.
| Development Applications & Current Projects |
The number of applications submitted to Council during August 2023 has increased over July but less than June and has allowed staff to catch up on assessments and as a result there has been an increase in determinations during the period. However, Council continues to utilise on a part time basis, a Town Planning Consultant to assist in reducing the backlog of Development Applications and other Planning related matters.
The Oberon Off Leash Dog Park fencing is anticipated to commence in the next few weeks and, subject to weather conditions take approx. 2 weeks to complete. The Reef Primitive Camping Ground Amenities building work has progressed to lock up stage, with the remaining works to be completed by mid-October and again, weather dependent.
- DA10.2022.7.2 364 Gingkin Valley Road, Gingkin – a modification request to delete condition 25, a condition requiring 150m buffers to the adjoining lots, was approved.
- DA10.2023.34.1 47 Scotia Avenue, Oberon New Dwelling, shed & carport application for a variation to the height plan did not receive any submissions from adjoining neighbours. However, the roofing and cladding was amended to not be of a material of zinc or galvanised iron as per the current DCP.
- DA10.2023.26.1 a dwelling at 13 Ben Nevis Close, Oberon requesting a variation for the location outside of the building envelope was approved.
| Accessible Playground - Oberon Common |
Council endorsed the co-location of an accessible playground at the Oberon Common alongside the existing children’s playground and recreational facilities. The playground will include a range of sensory and movement-based play equipment including a nest swing, rocker, accessible spinner, drum, and xylophone set with the addition of a concrete path leading to an undercover table seating area. Funding is through Round 5 of the Stronger Country Communities Fund (SCCF) that was successful to construct a new addition in the Oberon Common with particular focus on providing Accessible Play Equipment for the community and visitors.
| Oberon Common Rotunda Replacement |
The Marantha Construction quotation to match the ambience of the Common with a replacement merbau structure was endorsed by Council.
| Tourism Brochure |
In July ’23 Confidential, Council deferred the decision for the new Tourism brochure and requested more information regarding the advertising plan to support the advertising revenue projections for the design and print by the preferred supplier who would provide a full service option. The comprehensive advertising plan & revenue projections were presented and endorsed to proceed.
| Policy Reviews |
Policy – 4104 Public Gates and Grids was adopted as presented with amendments.
The following policies were presented to Council and will be placed on public exhibition inviting submissions for 28 days.
- Policy 2118 Smoke Free Workplace
- Policy 2110 Drugs and Alcohol
| MOU Oberon Council and Oberon Multipurpose Service Temporary Evacuation Centre |
A revised draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was received and endorsed by Council. The revised MoU outlined and detailed the coordinated approach with the Oberon MPS and Councils Emergency management Plans for use of the Oberon Library and Community Centre as a temporary evacuation point.
The meeting closed at 9:43 pm.
All meetings are also available via zoom and recorded and available on the Council website.
Councillor Lauren Trembath