Council Update from Clr Lauren Trembath - 16 April 2024 Meeting

Published on 17 May 2024


Council Update – 16 April 2024

The April Council meeting was opened in prayer at 5:30pm by Clr McKechnie.

The gallery was a full house on the night with questions from the public regarding water quality and the recent report provided to Council by Central West Technology (CWT) who Council engaged to provide an independent report with recommendations.  Council acknowledged the community concerns and took all the questions on notice and advised answers would be provided separately together with ongoing communications on any works as they are carried out.

The OAWT (Oberon Against Wind Towers) group asked why Council had not taken a firm position on wind towers in Oberon and requesting more detail on the current listing of the Avenue of Trees as a separate heritage item and not waiting for the LEP.   An update will be provided on the process and steps Council have taken to date.

Notices of Motion

There were two notices of motion from Councillor Hayden regarding an investigation into a Return & Earn machine and a Cat Curfew.  The Return & Earn motion was not supported by all Councillors due to a current business in town already running a Return & Earn and not all Councillors in full support of Oberon Council running a commercial business.  The second motion for a Cat Curfew to be investigated was not seconded and lapsed with no support.

Reports for Decision

The following Policies will be on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

Policy 2203 – Pensioner Concessions

Policy 2201 – Debt Recovery

Policy 2117 – Corporate Credit Cards & Other Cards

Policy 2211- Investment Policy

Roads Budget Funding Reallocation

Council endorsed the reallocation of $39,644.22 from the 7.11 Roads to the roads budget for the following projects:

Baileys Lane Causeway - $9,644.22.  The staff expenses to complete the project was ineligible under the grant funding guidelines.

Mutton Falls Road - $30,000. After a recent traffic incident, the engineering team conducted a safety assessment and audit and deemed the vegetation on the road verge was a safety issue and needed to be trimmed. 

In Confidential three matters were considered. 

Oberon Fitness Centre Tender Enclosure Rear of facility

Council endorsed the recommendation to accept the tender submission from Exceptional Builds Carpentry and Constructions to enclose the rear section of the existing Oberon Fitness Centre building and to delegate authority to the General Manager to sign the MW21-LG contract.

Water Write Off Request

Council endorsed the recommendation that Council do not write-off the water consumption charges for Assessment 12361334 but instead offer a payment plan arrangement for full cost recovery.

STP Construction Tender Update

Council endorsed the recommendation that Council note the Sewerage Treatment Plant Tender Update Report and enter negotiations for the supply of the construction of the Sewerage Treatment Plant with the lowest two (2) Tenderers, given the closeness in the price of the Tenders and Council’s wish to achieve the most advantageous supply of the project.

The meeting closed at 8:08pm.


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