MEDIA RELEASE - 31 May 2024
Published on 31 May 2024
Council provides several playground areas across the Oberon Local Government Area, some of which require improvements to meet current day safety standards. Members of the community may have noticed that some playgrounds have been cordoned off in recent days.
At the May Ordinary Council Meeting, a report and risk assessment of playground equipment in the 16 parks within the Oberon LGA was presented. Of the 16 parks that were assessed, six were identified as having safety risks, stemming from current playground conditions such as shade structures (either needing repair or construction), soft fall, and/or worn, rusty or damaged equipment.
Council resolved at the May Meeting that staff be requested to investigate the feasibility and costs involved in upgrading the equipment at the non-compliant playgrounds to comply with current standards. In the meantime, equipment within six parks have been temporarily cordoned off.
It is critical that the play equipment provided by Council meets the appropriate standards to minimise safety risks to the community.
Council trusts that the community will understand the importance of these undertakings and asks for patience while these plans are developed and implemented, ensuring we can provide safe ongoing fun environments in a financially sustainable manner well into the future.
Mark Kellam