Multi-purpose Sports and Community Complex, Stage One - Update

Published on 29 October 2024

By now you will have seen the next phase of the Oberon Multi-purpose Sports Complex transitioning. Works are being undertaken on building the Sports Club and associated infrastructure, including the Grandstand and amenities.
Site preparation works on irrigation, top soiling, landscaping and lighting will follow soon. This in turn will be followed by car parking, final infrastructure (being water and sewer), as well as the final footprint of the Stage 1 works.


Currently, a grant application has been lodged by Council seeking to value add to the Complex by support for a synthetic astroturf Hockey Field and associated infrastructure that would (if supported by the Federal Government) enhance this once in a generation project. New netball facilities will also be included in primary works. 


We extend our continued thanks to our partners, the Australian and NSW Governments, together with Borg Pty Ltd. 
This project has been jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales Government’s Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. Additional funding has been allocated through the Federal Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grant.



Image credit: Crossmuller