PUBLIC NOTICE - 12 February 2025

Published on 12 February 2025


Removal and Upgrade of Play Equipment

At the December 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to remove non-compliant play equipment and undertake required repairs.

Council is committed to enhancing our recreational spaces with suitable upgrades and resolved to provide funding to support upgrade works. Council is also seeking additional grant funding to support ongoing upgrades.

Removal works are scheduled to commence in early March and Council will provide ongoing updates via our website and the Oberon Council Facebook page.

To maintain accessibility of these spaces, areas where equipment has been removed will be temporarily re-established with grass.

The following playgrounds will be impacted:

Park Location

Equipment to be Removed

Upgrade/Repair Plan

Armstrong Place


Bligh Street


Buckley Crescent

Rocker and multi-play structure

Replacement swing, slide, bench and new soft-fall.

Burraga Park

Old swing set and old multi-play structure

Repair kangaroo rocker, correct soft-fall

Cunynghame Oval


Stage 1: Swing set

Stage 2: Additional replacements (FY2025/26)

Glyndwr Avenue North


Glyndwr Avenue South


Miss Wilson Park


The Common – Fenced Playground


Hassall Park


Mulit-play structure, fence, swing set, raise ground level and upgrade soft-fall (FY2025/26 onwards)

OFLC Playground


Repair and upgrade multi-play, extend soft-fall

The Common – Fenced Playground


Stage 1: Repair and upgrade large multi-play, install soft fall barrier

Stage 2: Replace large multi-play (FY2025/26 onwards)

The Common – Top Swing Set


Repair swing set, upgrade soft-fall

The Common – Accessible Playground


Upgrade soft-fall around single rocker

The Common – Adventure Playground


Replace spinning poles x3, maintenance to flying fox, repair mouse house, improve drainage, renew existing and install new soft-fall


To guide future upgrades and replacement decisions, Oberon Council will soon invite residents to participate in a community survey via our Community Engagement Platform, haveyoursay.oberon.

We want our community to have a say in the types of play spaces that best meet their needs. Community feedback will help us shape a Playground Service Hierarchy that reflects the priorities of Oberon’s families.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Council’s Technial Services Directorate by phoning (02) 6329 8100, or email at


The resolution states:

That Council:

  1. Endorse the removal of all non-compliant play equipment at the parks at Armstrong Place, Bligh Street, Buckley Crescent, Burraga, Cunynghame Oval, Glyndwr Avenue North, Glyndwr Avenue South and Miss Wilson (Option A).
  2. Approve the proposed Works Program for the parks at Buckley Crescent, Burraga, Cunynghame Oval, Hassall Park, Herb David, the Pool and multiple playground areas within the Oberon Common (Option A).
  3. Implement a Communications Strategy outlining the rationale behind the need to remove the current non-compliant play equipment and what mechanisms Council proposes to replace the non-compliant equipment.
  4. Receive a further report with the aim to consider the implementation of a Playground Service Hierarchy.
  5. Replace play equipment in Armstrong Place, Buckley Crescent, Bligh Street, Miss Wilson Park and Glyndwr Avenue South in a staged process as funds for this purpose become available.

Carried - Resolution No: 17 - 17/12/2024


Votes for:

Clr McKibbin, Clr Alevras, Clr Graham, Clr Hayden, Clr O'Connor, Clr O'Grady and Clr Trembath

Votes against:

Clr McCarthy and Clr Tucker