What is exempt development?
Some minor work that has little environmental impact can be done without approval. This is known as exempt development.
Is it easy to work out if my development is exempt?
Exempt development can be carried out in most parts of the Oberon Local Government Area, except for some environmentally sensitive land, national parks and some land containing heritage items. In many cases a particular development will be prevented from being exempt development because of its location in environmentally sensitive areas, or in bushfire prone land, or for other reasons.
Some minor building renovations or works don’t need any planning or building approval. This is called exempt development. Exempt development is very low impact development that can be done for certain residential, commercial and industrial properties.
A few examples of development that can be exempt development are:
• decks,
• garden sheds,
• carports,
• fences,
• repairing a window or painting a house.
As long as the proposed works meet all of the development standards (identified in the State Policy for exempt and complying development), approval may not be needed
Most exempt development in NSW is controlled by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 (known as the Codes SEPP). Exempt & Complying SEPP 2008
If your development doesn't qualify as exempt development, you may be able to apply for either Complying Development certificate or for Development Consent.