From 1st July 2021, the NSW Government requires all Development Applications to be lodged via the NSW ePlanning Portal, and applications will no longer be able to be lodged over the counter at Council.
The ePlanning Portal is a digital service where the community, industry and government can use the same space to access and deliver of planning services to support effective planning in NSW. The Portal will streamline and enhance existing Development Application processes to improve the planning experience for the community, industry and all levels of Government.
- Development Applications
- Complying Development Certificates
- Construction Certificates
- Subdivision Certificates
- Subdivision Works Certificates
- Occupation Certificates
- Section 68 Certificates (Onsite Waste Water/Water Supply etc.)
- Building Information Certificates
Details on how to lodge an application are below, and links to detailed instructions are provided.
If you are having difficulty using the Online DA Service, please contact the ePlanning support team at NSW Planning at or 1300 305 695.