

General Rates Information

All rateable land is subject to an ordinary rate.


The land value of your property is one of the major factors in the determination of the ordinary rate you pay. Your land value is supplied to Council by the State Government (Valuer General's Office) with new values provided every three years. The amount of rates levied is also determined by the rating categorisation of your property. If you are interested in obtaining information on land tax, please navigate to NSW Land Registry Services Rating Categories. The Local Government Act states that all rateable land must be categorised into one of four rating categories (Residential, Business, Farmland or Mining) and Council must give notice of this category. Your rating category is displayed on your rate notice. These categories are purely for rating purposes and are not necessarily related to zoning or location.

2023-2024 Oberon Local Government Area Review - Newsletter(PDF, 8MB)

Paying your rates(PDF, 135KB)

Change of address/Alteration Advice Form(PDF, 25KB)

Application for Council Pensioner Concession Rates Rebate(PDF, 694KB)



When are your Rates due?

The full amount of your rates is due for payment on 30 September. However, you may pay this yearly amount by quarterly instalments as shown on your rates notice.


Ratepayers who choose to pay by quarterly instalments are advised that instalments are due as follows:

  • 1st Instalment due: 31st August 
  • 2nd Instalment due: 30th November
  • 3rd Instalment due: 28th February
  • 4th Instalment due: 31st May


Ordinary Rates for 2024/2025

The Ordinary Rates for 2024/2025 include 3.7% Rate Peg set by the NSW State Government.

The approved rating Ad Valorem and Base Rates for 2022/23 are as follows:                                                                                                                   
Classification  General Adval %        Base Rate         Town Improvement Ad Val 
Business  0.00482963 421.00 -
Farmland    0.00153809  353.00 -
Residential   0.00285327  333.00 -
Rural Residential        0.00199949  339.00  -
Non - Urban  0.00192713  421.00  -


Interest rate charged on overdue rates & charges

In accordance with section 566(3) of the Act, it has been determined that the maximum rate of interest payable on overdue rates and charges for the 2022/23 rating year will be 10.5%.


Waste water (sewerage) service charges

There has been a proposed increase of 10% in Wastewater (sewerage) service charges for the 2024-2025FY. This increase is proposed in response to principle grant funding from the previous Federal Government that was withdrawn following the last Federal Election. Staff will continue to wok with all levels of Government to minimise the current delta in the delivery of a new Sewage Treatment Plant. Should grant funding not be successful, Council has catered for the delivery of this project through loan funding in its Long-Term Financial Plan. 

The typical wastewater charge of $848.50 has been applied to all residential properties which discharge directly to Oberon Council's wastewater reticulation system. This figure consists of a standard access charge of $229.95 and a usage charge of $618.55. This revenue goes directly to the sewer fund which provides for long-term enhancements and continues asset upgrades and renewals. 

An access charge for all non-residential properties accessible to the wastewater system, levied in accordance with the size of the water meter for the respective property, as follows: 
Meter Size/ Charge ($) 
20 mm (3/4")        $222.34        25 mm (1")         $341.76
30 mm (11/4") $491.68 38 mm (11/2" $790.25
50 mm (2" $1,372.14 80 mm (3 1/4" $3,514.20
100 mm (4")         $5,492.37      150 mm (6")          $12,345.45 
A usage charge of $4.71 per kilolitre will be applied to all non-residential / commercial properties currently discharging directly into Oberon Council's wastewater reticulation system during 2024-2025FY. The applicable fee charge is based on the total amount of water consumed by the individual premise with assumption of equal discharge into the wastewater reticulation system, together with the SDF (sewer discharge factor) determined for each property. 


Water service charges

The standard water access charge of $463.55 has been set for all residential premises in the Oberon township connected to Council's water reticulation system, in addition the new water consumption charge of $3.93 per kilolitre will apply (1kL = 1000 litres).



Domestic waste management charges

Vacant Land - $45.50 per annum
A 240 litre bin weekly collection service - $256.50 per annum.


Non-domestic waste management charges

A 240 litre bin weekly collection service - $256.50 per annum.