Public Exhibition - DA10.2023.64.1 Stage 1 Early Earthworks

No longer on display. Expired on 01 December 2023, 04:00 PM

Development:             10.2023.64.1 – Stage 1 Early Earthworks – Oberon Sporting Complex

Applicant:                    Oberon Council

Address:                     31 O’Connell, Oberon

Lot/DP:                       Lot 2 in DP1073827, Lot 5 in DP2364

Council is in receipt of a development application for a Stage 1 Early Earthworks for the Oberon Sporting Complex at the above location.

A copy of the application and associated documents are available to view at:

  • Council Administration Centre: 137 -139 Oberon Street, Oberon (business hours),

Written submissions are invited in relation to this application and must be received at Oberon Council by 4.00pm on Friday 1 December 2023

Submissions should be addressed to the Oberon Council, PO Box 84, Oberon NSW 2787, or email to

Please refer to DA 10.2023.64.1. with the nature of your submission (e.g., objection, neutral or supporting) in the subject heading.